Million-Dollar Marketing on a Budget

Businesses thrive on marketing regardless of their size.  The more money you can dedicate to your marketing efforts, the more customers you’ll be able to reach.

While huge companies may have million-dollar marketing budgets, you can still follow their lead without spending quite as much.

Businesses thrive on marketing regardless of their size.
Businesses thrive on marketing regardless of their size.

Every major marketing campaign has a few important elements.  Large companies may spend a lot to incorporate them into their marketing, but you can do the same thing with a much smaller budget.

The reason for this is that the power of these elements aren’t tied to the amount spent on them.  The following are a few of the most useful.


Every major business spends a significant amount of money on their branding.  The brand is what builds equity. It’s what people associate with the promises made in the marketing.

Apple, Microsoft, and Verizon are all easily recognizable brands that play a major part in the company’s marketing.

Apple, Microsoft, and Verizon

Your business may be no bigger than a simple website, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have a brand.  A good brand helps people identify with your business and what it does.

The more recognizable your brand is, the easier your marketing becomes.  Pick something catchy and relevant, create a logo, and include it in all your marketing material.


Everyone knows you’ve bought something from Tiffany’s, because it comes in a distinctive blue box.  Apple products come in futuristic white boxes.

Verizon products tend to come in black packages.  Every company has a distinctive look to their packaging and this generally carries over to their retail locations as well as promotional materials.

You’ll get more out of your marketing efforts if you keep a cohesive and consistent design for everything you do.  Your website should match your book covers, which should match the banner ads, which should also match your business cards.

When everything has a distinctive look, people will have no trouble recognizing you.


Plenty of major businesses have relied on a mascot or spokesperson of some sort.  Geico has their gecko, McDonald’s has Ronald, and MetLife has Snoopy.

Geico's gecko,

This works because it helps personalize an otherwise complex and abstract corporation.

People won’t typically identify with an insurance company but they respond well to a computer-animated gecko.

The cheapest way to do this is to become your own spokesperson.

Make sure people identify you with your brand and business.  When you show up in a video or on a podcast, they will instantly know who you are, what you do, and what you stand for.

This is one of the main goals of marketing, so you can see how valuable it can be.

None of this takes very much money.

It will, of course, require a small investment in research and design, but the return is incalculable and will continue to pay off for years to come.

If you really want to market like a pro then you’ll want access to my professional marketing team that will have you earning thousands of dollars.

Find out more by clicking here now!

Thank you.

Talk to you soon.

How To Make Your Own Marketing Videos…

Professional marketing videos promoting your business aren’t cheap. You get what you pay for when it comes to marketing your products and engaging your audience.

How To Make Your Own Marketing Videos Without Breaking The Bank.
How To Make Your Own Marketing Videos Without Breaking The Bank.

However, there are tools you can use to accomplish these tasks without breaking the bank.

You don’t need Hollywood; you just need fast and free.

Incorporating marketing videos into your strategy accomplishes several things:

  1. Their versatility allows them to live in several places like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, your website, and your blog.
  2. They are eye-catching, enabling your audience to digest the same information in a more engaging format.

Marketing videos are easy to repurpose by trimming, expanding, or converting to GIFs for easy sharing. Infographics also make great videos.

How to Make a Video Like a Professional

You don’t need expensive equipment to make a great video. Sometimes you don’t even need your own footage.

An idea is a great place to start.

Try storyboarding your plan and writing a script. Find or create the footage you need. Edit it using an online app. Upload for viewing!

Free Stock Footage

Now for even better news. You don’t even need your own camera.


There are so many great places to find stock footage. You can repurpose existing photography, find material on stock footage sites, and shoot your own footage with your phone.

It gives it a great, home video feel that appeals to today’s audiences. Sites you can check out for stock videos include

They contain photos from around the world, high-quality graphics, and vibrant animations. Public domain sites like Pond5,, and NASA contain historic footage and vintage videos.

You can also find free audio on


Paid Music And Footage That Doesn't Cost A Fortune.
Paid Music And Footage That Doesn’t Cost A Fortune.

Paid Music and Footage

Sometimes free just doesn’t cut it. But you don’t have to spend a fortune either. Audio Jungle and Video Hive have sounds, music, and video effects for you to sample. It may be worth the monthly subscription if you plan to continue making marketing videos.

Free Tools

You can use the live streaming feature on most social media platforms to create video. For producing quick, high-quality videos, there are a lot of free apps online. Some even come with their own library of stock images. Try:

GIFs are gaining in popularity, and there’s one for every situation. Most social media platforms allow users to search for GIFs using keywords and respond easily to any comment.

You can use Giphy to turn your marketing videos into GIFs in hopes of becoming the next internet sensation.

For editing, try Resolve for your desktop editing or Power Director for editing on your Android phone. They include professional features allowing for color corrections, stitching, object removal, and much more.

If you use Power Director, you can shoot video, edit, and share directly from your phone.

Making Engaging Videos

Videos perform better and have more viral potential than text or photo. Often, people watch videos on social media with no sound, so use captions to garner more attention.

Many social media platforms even autoplay videos with no sound at first, so with captions, your audience can pause to watch your video without extra clicking.

Use thumbnails to entice people to watch your videos. They provide a headline, or a snapshot of what your video is about, so use Canva to create something that grabs users attention.

More importantly, make sure your marketing videos are responsive to mobile, since that’s most likely where people will watch them.

Don’t let the cost of professional video creation and editing stop you. You need competitive material, but you can do it all yourself and have fun in the process.

Engage your entire team for a memorable experience, or use stock material to save time. Be resourceful and use the free tools available to you to create engaging content that doesn’t cost a fortune.

Talk to you soon.

Tom Kerasias


How to Grow Your YouTube Following…


Today, YouTube has over one billion viewers. If you aren’t using YouTube to grow your audience, you’re missing out on a substantial portion of the population, and a great way to increase your influence online.

How to Grow Your YouTube Following
How to Grow Your YouTube Following

It’s not just viewers you need though. You need users that are actively engaged in your channel. YouTube is a massive opportunity to grow your following for the long-term.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to grow your YouTube following. This means being consistent, providing quality content, and rewarding those who follow you.

In other words you need to know what works and how to apply it.

Here are a few ideas.

Consistency is Key

As we previously mentioned, one of the keys to a successful YouTube following on your channel, and a loyal following is consistency. Pick a theme and stick with it. There’s nothing worse than finding a YouTube channel you like, only to discover that it’s changed direction or not what you thought it was. It’s a good, quick way to lose followers.

Build your brand, and doing it in a way that doesn’t require users to take a lot of time to figure out who you are and what you’re selling. Users subscribe for two reasons:

1) Because they like the content they just viewed, and

2) Because they expect more of the same in the future.

Figure out before you launch your channel what your premise and platform will be. Communicate it effectively across all of your videos so visitors will be able to identify your brand at a glance.

You can do this in a variety of ways, whether it is through a channel trailer, via a pitch that lets users know when the next post will be, or through customized thumbnails which will grab the attention of visitors to your channel.

Quality Content

When a person is introduced to your channel, the more of our videos they watch, the higher the chance they will subscribe, thus growing your YouTube following. Watching your videos gives visitors an excellent opportunity to follow you, while also showing them why they should.

One way you can do this is by creating playlists of your content. Organize your videos in a manner that will get good traction through searching on YouTube. You can choose important keywords to drive traffic to your channel.

Create themed segments with your videos, which allows you to have control over which video the user will see next. This is especially important as YouTube could wind up playing other content, as opposed to your own after the video is over.

When creating your content, be sure to make it viewable in a format conducive to a mobile device. That does not mean it needs to be recorded and viewed on a smartphone, but rather that you should keep in mind that a lot of content is seen on a mobile device. Create short, consumable videos that will keep followers returning on a regular basis, eager and hungry for more.

As stated previously, there’s no shortcut or secret recipe to growing your YouTube following. Anyone trying to sell you a “get rich quick scheme” is nothing but a waste of your time and money.

When it comes to your YouTube following, more often than not, quality trumps quantity, especially when it comes to your users. It’s more important to have an engaged, valued audience of a few thousand than it is to have a million followers who have no idea who you are or what you’re selling.

Find your niche, create your content, and build your following.

If you’re serious about growing your YouTube following, take a look at this incredible program called the Traffic Masters Academy.

It has shows you how to grow your YouTube following and how to leveraging your YouTube videos so you can quickly grow your business.

It’s the only program that I’ve found that actually shows you what real affiliates have done to earn millions of dollars

And the commissions are documented.

Aside from YouTube, it shows you how to  brand yourself on Facebook (like I’m doing).

It teaches you how to make money using Solo Ads.

You’ll learn how to be more influential in Instagram.

How to make money with Banner Ad Marketing and Direct Mail.

How to be Search Engine Optimized,  how to follow-up with customers and a whole host of other traffic secrets that actually work.

Check it out for yourself: Traffic Masters Academy

Talk to you soon.

Tom Kerasias

Tips for Attracting Customers with Squeeze Pages on Auto Pilot

A squeeze page is a page that tries to convince visitors to give you their name and email address in exchange for something they perceive as valuable, such as a free report, eBook or a video. They are also sometimes called lead capture pages or optin  pages.

The purpose of a squeeze page is to quickly build a list of email addresses, preferably from people who have an interest in your product niche.

This is a squeeze page from one of my ad campaigns. It is so successful that it built me a subscripion list of thousands upon thousands of email addresses. Click on the picture to try it out.

Your name and email in exchange for something of value.
Your name and email in exchange for something of value.

Once you have captured an email address, you can use it to send out emails promoting your products and services indefinitely, or at least until the person unsubscribes.

Squeeze Page Software

There are many different squeeze page software programs available, some free but mostly paid. They promise to generate effective squeeze pages for you that are “guaranteed” to capture a lot of email addresses. is one on the more popular ones on the Internet. This is the on eI am currently using.

The software works sort of like resume-writing software. In most cases it will give you a boilerplate template that you can personalize to fit your own needs.

In other cases, the software will give you pre-built squeeze pages based on the most popular niches – weight loss, acne cream, dating, and so on – that you can post your links on and tie to a place where you can collect email addresses and start building a list.

Like resume-writing software, squeeze page software is most helpful if you have never written one before. But once you get used to writing squeeze pages, it’s not difficult and you don’t really need to spend money on software to do it for you.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Templates

As for the pre-written templates on the biggest niches, they typically already have SEO, which can help their ranking a little on Google and elsewhere. But if the same templates are being used by lots of different people, how does that differentiate your product? In most cases, it doesn’t.

Squeeze page software is so common these days that you usually can get it for free if you look around hard enough.

Rather than using the software for your products, a better plan is to take a look at the kinds of squeeze pages they offer then steal their best ideas to create a squeeze page that is custom-fitted to your particular product and niche.

Brevity Is King

If you are creating your own squeeze page, remember that they are similar to sales letters except tjeu are much shorter, usually only one or two pages.

The structure is basically the same as the sales letter:

  • Present a problem that would be common for people visiting your page
  • Offer your product as the solution
  • List its benefits (how it will improve their life) not just its features (what it does or has)
  • Conclude with a Call to Action (what you want them to do, in this case give you their email address)

You need to offer something for free to incentivize people to give you their email address. This can be a free report or eBook you can either create yourself or pay somebody to write, or a how-to video.

In either case, the free giveaway should be related to your niche and should have high perceived value to the prospective customer.

Value of Autoresponders

You may be familiar with a low-function autoresponder that probably came free with your email account. You know: The one that tells people when you are out of the office or on vacation. The autoresponders we are talking about here are much more sophisticated than those.

Unlike list building and squeeze page software, you will need to use an autoresponder to manage your email address capture and delivery system.

There are lots of different programs available, but one of the most popular and reliable comes from It costs about $19/month. For that price you can use it to send unlimited emails to 500 email addresses. Obviously, if you need more, you can buy a different package.

If you’d like to learn more about making money online, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here.

It’s called the WIFI-Millionaire. It shows how to make $10,000 to $100,000 a month with a laptop, a wifi connection and MOBE’s tried and tested 21 step system.

Top Techniques for Promoting Your Info Product on Social Media

If you have an infoproduct you want to promote – whether it’s your own or an affiliate product — there’s no better place than social media. At any given moment there are literally millions of people using social media to communicate with their friends, update their status, watch videos, and other activities.

John Chow is a master at doing this and has made millions in the process. See his story here

This is a lucrative market that you can exploit for the benefit of your online marketing program.

Top Techniques for Promoting Your Info Product on Social Media
There’s no better place to promote your infoproduct than on social media

Which Social Media Platforms to Use

First, you want to create a Facebook Fan Page related to our niche and start attracting Friends so that we can build our social media contacts that way.

We also want to create a Twitter account and possibly other social media accounts — such as Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest — and then link them all together so that anytime we update a status or send out a Tweet on one, it goes out on all of them.

Another thing you want to do is to create a blog using WordPress or another free blogging platform. On this blog, you can use the SEO-ready swipe copy from my affiliate provider, as well as creating your own original content, such as reviews and testimonials.

Creating New Content

If your budget allows it, you can hire freelancers to write blog posts for you to promote product and to give high-value information to your readers related to your niche so that you can build your list of subscribers that way.

Whenever people sign up for your blog, you want to make sure your autoresponder sends them a thank you email and also gives them a link to your sales page.

Meanwhile, you also should load your sales funnel with secondary offers, upsells and downsells. That’s because you want to sell your customers as many possible products as you can so that you can maximize revenue and also reinforce loyalty bonds with them.

Then there should be a back-end offer where you can really cash in with a high-cost product such as a weekend seminar.

Paid Traffic Methods

After we have exhausted our free traffic methods — and while we are waiting for them to gain traction — we want to start some paid traffic methods.

You definitely are going to want to buy some Facebook Ads using keywords such as “affiliate marketing courses” and “how to make money with affiliate marketing”. Buy as much as your budget allows in both the PPC and CPM Facebook platforms.

Supplement these with some Google Adwords campaigns. Make sure to reinvest at least some — if not all — of the income from your free traffic methods into paid methods so that you can jumpstart your sales campaign.

Supplement with Solo Ads

Finally, you want to buy some solo ads so that you can get your affiliate product out in front of as many high target people as possible. This typically won’t cost as much as PPC or CPM ads, but generally will bring in more high target traffic, so this is a great investment.

You also want to go to Warrior Forum and other sites to look for ad swap partners so that you can get your products out in front of new groups of high-target customers for free.

Knowing how to set up effective affiliate marketing sales funnels is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system

A Tried and True Way to Grow Your Audience Online

People will put more trust in what you have to say if you are well known in your field. The real skill that well-known authorities have is self-promotion, and it’s a skill you should develop as well.

John Chow has become a master at it and has made millions in the process. Click on the link to see him in action:

The more celebrated you are in your niche, the easier it will be to both get bloggers to allow you to submit guest blogs and convince readers to act on your product recommendations.

Think about the accomplishments you can point to in your past that will reinforce your image as an expert. Keep track of any awards or recognition that you have received so that you can use them to promote yourself. And don’t be bashful about promoting yourself as an expert at every opportunity.

Building Your Brand

As you start guest blogging, you will want to stop thinking of yourself as just an individual and begin considering yourself as a brand that can be marketed in the same way as Jaguar automobiles, Versace clothing  or Google Search .

Stop thinking of yourself as just an individual and begin considering yourself as a brand that can be marketed.

When people read your guest blogs, you don’t want them to be thinking about you as the person who went to a particular high school or who wears a certain size shoe. The best way to convince people to do what you ask is to be a brand, not a person.

Giorgio Armani is a brand. So is Madonna. And Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco. Oprah is one of the biggest brands in the world.

The Influence of Authority

While these are all real people with personal histories and real lives, if they were to recommend that you buy a particular type of potato chip you wouldn’t think about all that. You would consider them as a brand that they have created through their body of work.

As a guest blogger, your goal is to create that same kind of brand for yourself. So that when you make product recommendations or approach bloggers with a request to write a guest blog, you will be perceived in the same way as these people.

Build Your List and Followers

If you already have a blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter account or even a website, you probably already have people who pay attention to what you post. As a guest blogger, your goal is to build a fan base so that you can influence the largest amount of people possible.

So anytime you create a guest blog, you are going to want to have somewhere to direct readers who enjoyed your content and who want to learn more about you. This can be your own blog, but the best place is your own personal website because it gives you the most versatility.

When you have a website devoted to you, it can be used to promote your brand, collect email addresses for your sales funnels, promote products and services, direct visitors to your social media accounts, provide you the opportunity to build loyalty bonds with your fans, and many other benefits.

Provide links back to your web page with every guest blog you publish so that you can constantly grow your pool of prospective customers.

SEO and Guest Blogging

You may write the greatest, most convincing guest blogs in history, but it’s not going to mean anything if nobody can find them easily. In order to get the broadest possible audience for your guest blogs, in each of them you need to include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques so that they are ranked at or near the top of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) for your niche subject.

One of the most effective SEO methods is to include your niche’s optimal keywords in your guest blogs. Search engines look for use these keywords when they index web pages so that they can tell what the content is about.

In order for Google and other search engines to rank your guest blogs high, include the keywords for your niche subject in each post’s headline, sub heads, photo caption and image descriptions.

Also, include the keywords within the body of the text so that they make up about 2 to 3% of the total keywords. This technique, called keyword saturation, helps vault your blogs to the top of the SERPs for your niche.

To learn more about guest blogging and other techniques for improving the profitability of your business, check out our lead generation system by clicking on this link now.



The Top-10 Ways to Make Money with Your List…

Have you built up a list of subscribers, but none of them are buying from you?

If you have a list and you’re not making money from those people, you need to be doing a different strategy…

The Top-10 Ways to Make Money with Your List
The Top-10 Ways to Make Money with Your List

Here are the Top-10 ways to start making money with your list right now…

  1. It’s not just the size of the list.  It’s the relationship you have with the list, which really pays you.

Most online marketers think by merely building a list it’s going to get them paid. Building a list is only the first step—but it’s not what really pays you.

In fact, I know people who have a list of 10,000 leads but they still can’t make a dollar online, or still aren’t getting regular commissions.

The size of the list is a factor, but the relationship is what’s infinitely more important.

The relationship is incredibly important if you ever want to sell something to anybody. Then once you build a rapport with your prospect, the next step is to get those people to respond.

  1. Market to the right people.  

This might sound obvious, but you could be reaching out to the wrong people—and this is actually pretty common among online marketers…

If you’re promoting some product or solution and that’s what you advertise, then you’re lead capture page should match that product.

For example, my lead capture page promises I’ll send you daily videos where I answer your questions about marketing. But what if you signed up, and then I started sending you emails about gardening?

Would you want to buy my videos about marketing? Absolutely not, because what I offered, what I presented on their entry point into my sales funnel was completely different to what I’m actually offering.

  1. Frequency of your messages.

Another reason why you might not yet be making money from your list is you’re NOT contacting them frequently enough.

You should be reaching out to your list, in my personal view, almost daily. Some people might think that’s too much. But your average prospect spends less than 5 seconds a day thinking about you or your business, so it’s not too much at all.

If they are receiving your content / stories / offers daily, and it’s too much for a prospect, they’re probably not the right prospect for you.

Plus, if someone is in the Internet marketing niche, they are probably checking their email several times a day. You should aim to send daily emails—every single day.

  1. Consistency is key.

Consistency is just as important as frequency…

How often do you email them? Is it every day, or two days, or three days?

And how often are you staying in front of your prospect? This is what consistency is all about

For example, if you email them every day for a week, and then they don’t hear from you for a month, guess what? That list is pretty much dying out.

That’s not going to last for that long, and I see this happen all the time.

  1. Don’t be forgotten (especially in the first few weeks).

New leads have very short-term memories

Many Online Marketers get excited when they’re building their brand new list. But when they start emailing their new contacts, they don’t notice immediate results, and they put everything on hold.

Then six months later, they come back to it and they start sending emails again, but now they’re not getting any response. They are not getting any opens, they’re not getting any clicks, and they wonder why…

If someone subscribes to your list and they get a few emails from you, then you don’t email them for a week, they’ve probably already forgotten you. You should always be conscious of this, and keep in touch with them from the beginning.

  1. Get “Paranoid” about the constant threat of the declining value of your list.

You’re list is a very unique asset. Here’s a big tip I learned from Dan Kennedy…

It’s important to keep a healthy degree of paranoia about your email list. You’re list is very valuable, but not like gold or real estate, because those are static things and their value stays the same over time.

On the other hand, you’re list is actually an organic asset—which means you’re list is perishable and it can expire. Your list is either improving in value or it is decaying.

You must actively take steps and actions to improve the responsiveness of your list and improve that relationship with your list—or it will die out. And if it’s neglected too much, it will die out completely.

  1. Survey your list (i.e. ask them what they want from you!)

Now, you might then ask, “Well, how do I know what they want?” And the answer is very simple—YOU SHOULD ASK THEM.

The best thing you can do is to do a quick survey. You can go to a site like, there are lots of sites like this that allow you to conduct surveys. These sites allow you to do a free survey where you can ask them a bunch of questions. You send your new survey out to your list.

Ask what they actually want to learn. Ask them what they actually want to buy—and why they felt compelled to give you their email address.

You’ll quickly discover why they originally joined your list, and then you can branch out with more questions about that topic to see what they actually want to learn.

  1. Make offers to your list (this is the whole point in having a list!)

You’re Here To Run A Profitable Business, And You Must Never Be Afraid To Make Offers And Ask For The Sale!)

Be relentless in promoting offers.

You should promote an offer in just about every single email you do. Now, that doesn’t mean you’re just saying buy this, buy this, buy this, because you will burn out your list very quickly.

You still want to be interesting, you still want to be engaging, you still want to educate them, but you have to be making an offer in just about every single email. You will notice in my marketing I’m always making an offer. Sometimes it’s a very obvious offer, and sometimes it’s very subtle.

For example, every few videos I might promote one of my products or services, or live event, and somewhere below this video right now there should be a banner ad for one of my products.

So even though that’s a very subtle offer, I’m always putting some kind of offer in front of my market, my list. So you want to make sure that you are doing that.

  1. Copywriting skills: Never stop improving them.

You should really work at improving your copy writing skills—it’s a very important skill to master. Copy is the ultimate leverage point.

The ability to put words on a page and influence the masses to do what you want, is one of the most powerful and profitable skills you can posses. Some people pick it up really quickly, and others can take years to get good at it.  But it’s something worth studying and practicing.

When you are writing an email, make sure to encourage responsiveness. Send them an occasional email where you say, “If you have any questions about this get back to me.”

Ask them actually reply to the email or contact you on Facebook. That way, you are actually responding to them after they raised their hand and submitted their email to you.

It might sound surprising, but responding and following up with prospects is VERY RARE in this Industry. So the moment you respond to them, you suddenly become a real person in their eyes. They feel a little connection with you. They become more responsive as leads and as buyers. So keep on writing to them.

  1. Make offers to different marketing channels (that you introduce through your emails)

Again, your success in marketing is all about making offers…

Use different channels. So sometimes you might do a webinar, bring them to a webinar, teach them something on a webinar, make an offer at the end.

If you’ve never done a webinar before that probably sounds hard.  But it’s as simple as going to and it takes 20 minutes to follow their step-by-step instructions on hosting a webinar.

Another channel: Bring them to a Facebook group you have, engage them on Facebook, and make an offer there as well. So have these different channels, and again just be relentless in marketing to them.

You should develop several main marketing channels over time, and again just be relentless in marketing and following up. It’s what separates the people in this game who can extra $2 of value out of every $1 click they buy, from the majority who can’t even get $0.20 out of the same traffic.

It’s all about persistence in the follow up. Always be putting an offer in front of them or some piece of content so that you’re relevant, you’re in their life, and when they’re ready to buy, you’re right there in front of them.

So there you go. I hope these top-10 ways to start making money with your list right now… actually help you make more money with your list.

AND—If you want to cut your learning curve even faster, you should check out this new incredible opportunity…

If you want to cut your learning curve and start making money as soon as today, I have an even better option for you…FREE 2-Hr Event: Get Paid Full-Time $$ for Part-Time Work

Learn how to grow a profitable and sustainable business faster.
FREE IM Freedom Workshop. Cut your learning curve and start making money today.

The IM Freedom Workshop is a Free Live Internet marketing workshop designed to show you how to build and grow a sustainable and profitable online business in your spare time.

At the IM (Internet Marketing) Freedom Workshop, you will find out about a proven system that tens of thousands of people are using to make more money in a month—part-time—than most people make in a year.

And it won’t cost you anything to find out about this system.

The IM Freedom Workshop is a FREE, two-hour live event in your local area. At IM Freedom, you will discover how people just like you profit from the Internet—working just a few hours a day, making commissions of $1,250, $3,300, $5,500, and more.

They achieve financial freedom and time freedom, and they can work from anywhere they want in the world.

These events are filling up quick, and we will have to close registration soon. It could be quite some time before we come back to the area.

So, register now. Plan on being there so you can find out how to work less, make more, and have a financially free life.

When you register for the IM Freedom Workshop, you’ll get free access to Matt’s system, which you can study and use at home, on your computer.

Don’t miss out! Register now and we’ll see you there.

Register Here:   IM Freedom Workshop (Times, Dates and Locations)

P.S. Register right now and you’ll also receive a copy of Matt Lloyd’s best-selling book, Limitless.

It’s Matt’s own story of how he attained financial security with Internet marketing. In it, you’ll learn the best business model to choose, how to find high profit-margin products, and plenty more.

Register now!







Stop Leaving Money on the Table! Promote Higher-Priced Products

Rather than wasting your time promoting products nobody wants to buy, you can make more money by promoting products that are always going to be popular. Preferably, these will be products that have a high price tag so that your commission will be higher.

$1,250, $3,300 & $5,500 Commissions With MOBE'S 21 Step System.
$1,250, $3,300 & $5,500 Commissions With MOBE’S 21 Step System.

For example, if you promote an affiliate product that only costs $1 and your commission is 5%, you’re only going to make $.05 per sale. That means you have to make thousands of sales in order to make any relatively okay money.

Compare that to promoting a product that sells for $1,000 and has the same 5% commission. In this instance, you make $50 per sale, so you only need to make a few sales to make big bucks.

The Best Types of Products           

Money niches are those that have products that are immensely popular. Typically, they provide solutions to problems that can never truly be solved, or are universal problems that everybody will experience at some point in their lives. Examples of money niches are having a better love life, losing weight and getting in shape, self-help and improving self-confidence, and acne cures.

These type of niches are also known as “evergreen niches”. Just like the type of fir-tree that never goes into hibernation during the winter, these niches never wane in popularity. There has always been a market for products in these niches and there always will be.

Let’s look at an example. Assume you decide to work in the romance and dating niche. There are all kinds of products you can promote, but assume you choose to promote an eBook on how to meet people online (This happens to be a very popular product type right now, incidentally).

When you promote your eBook, you very likely will find that there are a lot of people searching online for exactly that type of product. Hopefully, you sell lots of copies of your eBook to lots of customers and make a lot of money.

Flash forward to two years from now. You are still promoting the same eBook about how to meet people online. Guess what? There are still going to be a lot of people looking for that type of product online. Why? Because there are always going to be a lot of people who want to learn how to meet other people online (or in person). When one generation of Internet users finds your product, puts it into use and (hopefully) finds the love of their life, they are instantly replaced by another generation of people looking for the exact same type of products.

Hence, the name “evergreen niches” or money niches.

Promoting products in these niches are an easy way to make huge commissions because there will always be people looking for these types of products, especially online.

Best Product Resources

The best products to promote can be found in a couple of different places. The first is Amazon, which you may know as the world’s largest online retailer. But it’s also one of the best places to find products to promote through its Amazon Associates program.

Amazon Associates is free to join and offers practically every type of product imaginable, including physical products like trampolines, electronics, clothes, and groceries. It also has digital products such as eBooks, videos downloads and others.

The other key site is ClickBank. Like Amazon, it’s free to join and there are all sorts of products you can promote. ClickBank has a lot of collateral material you can use to promote each product and information about commissions, conversion rates and other key data.

How To Succeed in Business

The other critical key to success is networking. This is when you interact with other people in the business and build relationships with them. It’s vitally important because there is a lot of information to share.

Unlike traditional business, Internet marketers don’t really compete against each other. There’s ready to share what they know and there are also lots of opportunities to team up and enter into joint ventures to help each other make money.

It’s important that you network all the time. Go to trade shows, seminars and other live events. You also should make it a habit to visit chatrooms and forums where marketers meet and share ideas, get to know each other, and generally learn more about the business they are in. They usually are free to use and you can get a lot of information very quickly.

For more information about improving the profitability of your business, check out our lead generation system by clicking on this link now.

Did You See This $28 MILLION DOLLAR “Shark Tank” Failure?

Affiliate marketing is like anything else in life. You will fail many times before you succeed. The problem with most people is that they quit this business way too early. The moment they don’t see positive results they lose interest and stop doing it. What they don’t see is all the wonderful results headed their way if they were just to continue working through the supposed “failures”. Their success is a few feet away.

I’d like to share an interesting story with you about someone who tried, worked very hard,  failed and gave up on his dreams only a few feet from the finish line. He was lucky however. At the last moment someone took notice, stepped in, applied the required resources, and  help turn the dream into a reality.

Instead of failing, the person who walked away from his dreams ended up making MILLIONS.

Here it is…..

Jamie Siminoff created a gadget that you can install in your door. It alerts your phone when someone rings your doorbell and shows you a video of the person at the door. You now know it as the Ring Video Doorbell.

Ring Video Doorbell

Jamie needed money to really get his invetion off the ground, so he took his idea to “Shark Tank” to see if he could get funding. He pitched his idea hard in the hopes of  raising $700,000 to fund his company. Unfortunately he couldn’t reach a deal with any of the investors. None of the Sharks had the vision that Jamie had. There answer was “No, I’m Out”.

Jamie was disappointed and discouraged. In his mind he had failed, so he decided to walk away from his invetion, his dreams, and to put it all behind him.

And then the show aired.

People loved his idea. There was a huge public demand for the Ring Video Doorbell. It also got the attention of Richard Branson the BILLIONAIRE. He liked it and believed in it so much that he invested $28 MILLION of his dollars into the business. Even today, the Ring Video Doorbell is a huge success that sells worldwide.

Sometimes “failure” is better than success!
Sometimes “failure” is better than success!

Jamie Siminoff is now a wealth man, but he quit way too soon. Only a few feet from the finish line. He is very lucky that episode of Shark Tank aired. Had it not, the results would have been very different.

Sometimes “failure” is better than success! But here’s the kicker. You don’t have to be the one going through the failures. You don’t have to spend precious time experimenting on what works and what doesn’t. You can leverage proven systems and achieve the results you want TODAY.

What you need is a proven system.

Matt Lloyd spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars failing, before he finally hit on the online system that’s made his company over $52 million.

Avoid the failures, skip right to the success… MTTB – 21 Steps To Success




A Great Way to Grow Your Online Audience as an Affiliate Marketer

People also will put more trust in what you have to say if you are well-known in your field. The real skill that well-known authorities have is self-promotion, and it’s a skill you should develop as well.

The more celebrated you are in your niche as an affiliate marketer, the easier it will be to persuade your customers and followers to act on your product recommendations.

Think about the accomplishments you can point to in your past that will reinforce your image as an expert. Keep track of any awards or recognition that you have received so that you can use them to promote yourself. And don’t be bashful about promoting yourself as an expert at every opportunity.

Building Your Brand

As you start in affiliate marketing, you will want to stop thinking of yourself as just an individual and begin considering yourself as a brand that can be marketed in the same way as Dell computer, or Ford automobiles.

When people read your emails or blog posts, you don’t want them to be thinking about you as simply a “person”. You want them to be thinking about you as a “trusted expert” in the field. Then they are more likely to act on your recommendations. In order to achieve this, you must become a brand like John Chow, Mike Dillard or Dan Kennedy.

Do not prospect for customers, but rather position yourself as an expert and the customers will find you.
Do not prospect for customers. Position yourself as an expert and the customers will find you.

The Influence of Authority

While these are all real people with personal histories and real lives, if they were to recommend that you buy a particular type of product you wouldn’t think about all that. You would consider them as a brand that they have created through their body of work.

As an affiliate marketer, your goal is to create that same kind of brand for yourself. So that when you make a product recommendations to you customers via your email list or blog, or social media source, you will be perceived in the same way as the people mentione above.

In the business we say, “… do not prospect for customers, position yourself as an expert instead and the customers will find you.”

Build Your List and Followers

If you already have a blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter account or even a website, you probably already have people who pay attention to what you post. As an affiliate marketer, your goal is to build a fan base so that you can influence the largest amount of people possible.

Regardless of the type of media source you’re using, always promote your brand, collect email addresses for your sales funnels, promote products and services, and direct visitors to your social media accounts. This provides you the opportunity to build loyalty bonds with your fans, and many other benefits.

SEO and Guest Blogging

You may decide to be guest blogger on someone else’s blog. If so, remember that even if you write the greatest, most convincing guest blogs in history, but it’s not going to mean anything if nobody can find them easily. In order to get the broadest possible audience for your guest blogs, in each of them you need to include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques so that they are ranked at or near the top of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) for your niche subject.

One of the most effective SEO methods is to include your niche’s optimal keywords in your guest blogs. Search engines look for use these keywords when they index web pages so that they can tell what the content is about.

In order for Google and other search engines to rank your guest blogs high, include the keywords for your niche subject in each post’s headline, sub heads, photo caption and image descriptions.

Also, include the keywords within the body of the text so that they make up about 2 to 3% of the total keywords. This technique, called keyword saturation, helps vault your blogs to the top of the SERPs for your niche.

If you’re looking to find a system that will help you begin to create your own brand, click on the following link:

MTTB My Top Tier System